I take horse-back riding lessons and while I'm riding anyone in my family watching me who knows how to use a camera is taking pictures of me trotting, grooming my horse,etc. I personally like horses (can't you tell already?) and I really like photography and they both go together so I can take photos of my saddled friends and other things.
I love horses so much that before we moved to a different house I asked my parents if I could have horse wall border in my bedroom and they said yes. You wouldn't believe how happy I was when it was finished. When one of my best friends came to visit we went into my room and she said,'"Wow. This is so pretty."' And she likes horses too. We both have a subscription to a magazine called Horse Illustrated, have our rooms filled with horse models and posters, and we are writing a book for ourselves about horses. So,yeah, you can pretty much tell we're both 'horsey' girls!
If you are reading this post and if you like photography or horses or you just want to then don't hesitate posting a comment!